
Features of CRM precision steel wire rolling machine

Our company’s automatic flat steel cold rolling mill has the following features:

  1. Continuous rolling, the production efficiency is doubled, and the entire production line is automated, continuous and high-speed operation.

  2. The equipment runs smoothly and the rollers are durable.

  3. Before rolling, the peeling and rust removal technology is used to remove the oxide scale. The surface of the processed flat steel is smooth and smooth, and the size is controlled within the tolerance range.

  4. The rolling mill adopts special bearings for rolls.

  5. Adopt linear guide, guide seat and rolling guide device to change the traditional sliding guide, with good stability.

  6. The machine can be controlled by PLC programming, soft start technology, frequency conversion technology, servo control technology, photoelectric induction technology, and numerical control technology according to customer requirements.

Visits:1711      Post time:2016-09-20