
Daily lubrication of wire rolling machine

The same type of wire cold rolling mill machine, with different configurations, will have different prices. The general configuration of the two High cold rolling mill (2 Hi rolling mill)includes pay-off stand, rust removal machine, vertical rolling mill, main rolling mill (flat rolling mill), straightening machine, cutting machine, material receiving device, power distribution operation cabinet, and the back of the coil that needs to be reeled The cutting machine and material rack can be replaced by steel wire take-up machines, and the closing weight is half a ton, 1 ton, 2 tons, etc.

The diameter of the raw material processed by the wire cold rolling mill is 6.5-10mm, equipped with a roll with a diameter of 200mm, the motor is 55kw, and the output is 20-50 tons; The diameter of the steel bar processed by the large wire cold rolling mill is 6.5-16mm, equipped with a roll of 228mm, and the power is 110kw. Customers can choose the appropriate configuration according to their needs.

In the daily operation of the precision wire cold rolling machine, to keep the rotating parts of the equipment in good working condition, to ensure the lubrication of the rotating parts, and the lubrication effect is good, the cold wire rolling mill equipment can run stably and increase its life. In daily operation, it is necessary to frequently check whether there is lubricating oil in the gearbox, keep the equipment with sufficient lubricating oil, and add lubricating oil according to the given refueling position, neither too much nor too little.

Check the gear box regularly, dip it with a vernier ruler to see if the lubricating oil is clean. If the oil is bright and colored, it means that the lubricating oil is qualified and can continue to be used. If it turns dark black, it means the gear box of the wire rolling mill. If dust enters, check the seal of the gearbox while replacing the lubricating oil. Deterioration of lubricating oil quality will also affect the lubricating effect of gears. Excessive oil quality will also cause high temperature, undercutting and other phenomena.

At both ends of the cold wire rolling mill machine stand, the bearing boxes where the rolls are installed are also very important parts, which determine the normal operation of the cold wire rolling mill rolls and the qualification of the finished product. Therefore, use a grease gun to regularly add grease to these bearing installations to avoid insufficient lubrication at the shaft end. There are grease adding holes in the bearing box for easy operation.

Visits:1501      Post time:2023-04-07