
wire rod mill China

wire rod mill China

wire rod mill is a rolling mill specially used for rolling wire rod (ie wire rod). The wire rod is the product with the smallest cross-sectional size of the profile. When it is rolled from the billet to the finished product, the total elongation coefficient is large, and the rolled piece is often only rolled once on each rolling mill. Therefore, the wire rod rolling mill has the largest number of stands and the smallest division of labor among hot-rolled profiles. rolling mill. The production range of our company's rolling mill equipment is precision rolling mill series, mainly for the application of flat wire, special-shaped wire, and square wire in the industrial field. Our production range mainly includes two-roll rolling mill, four-roll rolling mill, universal Turkish rolling mill, and flat wire continuous rolling mill. Production line, profiled wire continuous rolling mill production line.The rolling mills produced by our company are used to roll flat or special-shaped wires such as copper, aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel, sharp steel, and alloy materials. The rolled products are suitable for many industries such as electromagnetic wire, petrochemical industry, mining industry, papermaking, CTC production lines,screening, edge measuring tools, automobile, motorcycle, aviation, military industry, etc.


Our industry specializes in manufacturing stainless steel, carbon steel, front steel and other special-shaped wire rod precision rolling mill equipment, and the wire rod cross-section is diversified

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Many users often only know that Germany or other European and American countries are industrially developed, and they often think that only they can manufacture the best precision rolling mill equipment in the world, but this is not the case.China also can produces the greatest volume of wire rod mill in the world, and it has a number of wire rod mills throughout the country. China's wire rod mills supply wire rod for a variety of industries and applications in both the domestic china and international markets.

In China, there are small-scale and large-scale wire rod mills with varying production capacities, serving local markets as well as serving industrial markets. China's major steel rolling mill companies operate wire rod mills and have a significant presence in wire rod manufacturing.

In order to ensure high-quality production, these wire rod mills in China wire rolling machine manufacturer are equipped with modern technologies and advanced equipment. Quality control standards are strictly adhered to, and wire rods are manufactured in accordance with customer specifications and international standards. For a wide range of applications in construction, manufacturing, automotive, and other industries, Chinese wire rod mills often supply a wide range of sizes and grades.

China's wire rod mills produce wire rod for both domestic consumption and export to various countries. In the global wire-based products supply chain, China's wire rod exports play a significant role.

our Information about individual wire rod mills and wire rolling machine manufacturer in China, including their locations, production capacities, and product offerings, may vary depending on the steel company or industry source.





Visits:1569      Post time:2023-06-23