
stainless steel flat wire cold rolling mill

Features of stainless steel flat wire cold rolling mill
The factory’s copper flat wire finishing mill can roll steel types: carbon steel, alloy steel, non-ferrous metals, titanium alloys, magnesium alloys, platinum-rhodium alloys.
This machine can produce varieties: section steel (I-beam, channel steel, flat steel, angle steel, round steel, wire rod, thread steel); various special-shaped steel; strip steel;
The rolling mill models of this machine include: closed type, open wedge type, short stress line, prestressed, red circle rolling mill, Morgan rolling mill, etc.
The rolling mill of this machine is an energy-saving bearing-type transmission, the bearing is dedicated to the rolling mill, and the FC four-row cylindrical roller bearing and thrust bearing are used. Universal joint shaft connection, stable transmission and small bounce.

Visits:1497      Post time:2023-02-26