
square wire rolling mill production line

Improvement of cold square wire rolling mill production line technology and optimization of configuration

Cold wire rolling mill production line

With the continuous changes in the requirements of the precision wire and strip cold rolling mill industry, the corresponding profile rolling mill production lines have also been adjusted from a technical point of view to adapt to the rapidly developing industry needs and meet the production requirements of cold rolled products. In addition, reasonable and high-end configuration has also become one of the determinants of the working efficiency of the strip rolling mill ,strip rolling mill machine production line.

     If the material is to be cold-rolled, especially the cold-rolled steel coil, it must first undergo three consecutive technical treatments, and use hydrochloric acid to remove the oxide film before sending it to the cold rolling mill. And in the cold rolling mill production line, the steel coil is opened by the uncoiler, and then introduced into the continuous rolling mill to be rolled into thin coils.

     It can be found that the coils from the continuous rolling mill can be of different specifications and different qualities, and they are all processed according to the different requirements of users. In addition to plates, the cold rolling mill line can also produce long products, such as sections, rails, bars, round bars and wire rods, just by changing the cold rolling mill rolls.

     In order to further improve the production stability of the flat rolling mill production line, reduce its failure rate, and ensure the qualified products, the key point is to carry out reasonable and high-end configuration for the production line.

     In order to achieve this, the reducer in the cold rolling mill production line uses a hard-tooth surface reducer. The gears of this reducer are made of high-strength low-carbon alloy steel through carburizing and quenching. High, the gears also have high precision.

     The center distance, center height, transmission ratio and other parameters of the reducer gear are all based on the priority number coefficient, which is optimized by computer and has the advantages of high transmission efficiency and low noise.

The rolls in the wire rolling mill machine production line are divided into rough rolls and finishing rolls. The former is made of alloy material, and the latter is made of tungsten carbide alloy, which greatly improves the service life of the roll itself. Compared with other products, the production efficiency has also been significantly improved.

The essential device in the production line of the cold rolling mill is the flying shear. The imported servo motor is used as the driving force and the device controlled by the dual CPU motion controller improves the operation and working accuracy of the equipment. In addition, the main turks head rolling mill drive mechanism and heating device in the rectangle wire rolling mill machine,wire reducing mill mahcine production line have to be considered, which are also reasonably configured and high-end.

Visits:1447      Post time:2019-11-01