
Profile wire and strip rolling mill machine

Small precision rolling mill Micro cold rolling mill,flat wire rolling machine China,CRM precision rolling mill machine

we specialize in customizing small precision cold rolling mills, bimetallic strip precision calendering machines, precious metal precision rolling mills, special-shaped wire rod universal rolling mills, special-shaped wire rod drawing dies, alloy wire rod thin wire continuous rolling mills (coarse gauge round Bar rolling fine gauge round wire)

In addition to the daily maintenance and inspection work of the equipment in each speed time period, when preparing to increase the speed, there are also different inspection focuses for each time period. After the speed period of 75m/s ~ 84m/s, the following work should be focused on: pull out all the roller boxes from the cone box, check various important parameters of the roller box (such as shaft side clearance and axial clearance, etc.) Check the tightening torque of each bolt, check the wear and meshing area of the tooth surface; check the connection between the cone box and the unit base, re-tighten each bolt, and re-check the bevel gear shaft of the cone box and the bolts at the rear of the idle shaft If there is a difference in any link, it should be adjusted within the qualified range. After all the work is done, put all the roller boxes into the cone box one by one. The unit is lubricated and flushed for more than 40 minutes after oiling, and then the speed can be increased to pass through the steel after 20 minutes of no-load operation. After the speed period of 85m/s ~ 90m/s, the following work should be focused on: online detection of the axial and radial gaps of the roller shaft of the roll box, detection of the sealing condition of the double-lip seal; online detection of the two ends of the longitudinal axis of the cone box The vibration of the bearing seat; the vibration of the output shaft of the speed-increasing box is detected online; the accuracy level of the lubricating oil is checked not to exceed level 7. After confirming that everything is within the qualified range, the speed can be increased. After the speed is increased, strictly monitor the temperature rise and vibration value of each key part of the equipment, which cannot exceed the qualified range.

Visits:1510      Post time:2022-02-21