
square wire rolling machine

The square wire cold rolling mill is a machine and equipment that cold-drawn and cold-rolled the grade I hot-rolled Q235 round steel to produce a finished helical steel bar [1]. In the process of rolling cold-rolled ribbed steel bars, the wire cold-rolling mill equipment can simultaneously cold-work the warp and weft directions of the base metal. On the premise of retaining the relative balance and stability of the product in the central area of the original cross-section, it can improve the resistance to position and compression. At the same time, it still retains sufficient elongation properties, so that the geometric parameters (rolled thickness, section width-to-thickness ratio, area reduction and pitch) and four material indicators (tensile strength, conditional yield value, elongation and cooling Bend) can be used in important industrial and civil buildings with a first-class safety level, saving steel consumption and reducing building prices.

Visits:1509      Post time:2019-02-03