
How to adjust the four-high cold rolling machine

How to adjust the four-high cold wire rolling mill according to the product
How the four-high cold rolling mill(Turks head mill) is adjusted according to the product, how the cold rolling force is and the relationship between various rolls
Cold rolling mills (Turks head mill)have different numbers of rolls, so there are unique types such as four-high cold rolling mills (Turks head mill)and six-high cold rolling mills (Turks head mill). As everyone knows, no matter what kind of (Turks head mill)cold rolling mill it is, it has such a large category in cold wire rolling mills, but if you have an all-round mastery of cold rolling mills, you cannot miss all kinds of cold rolling mills. Therefore, according to this practical regulation, the following is the scientific research and understanding of the four-high cold rolling mill, the content of which is as follows.

  1. How to carry out cold rolling and hot rolling on a four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill)?

Four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill)is a kind of cold rolling mill. It is generally used in cold rolling work, but some countermeasures can be used to carry out hot rolling work, and two processing processes can be carried out to save production and manufacturing costs. Cold rolling is the same as general cold rolling. During hot rolling, only the work rolls are drawn out of the cold rolling mill, which exceeds the purpose of the work and the actual operation regulations.

  1. For a four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill), can the cold rolling appearance be adjusted according to different regulations?

If it is a general four-high cold rolling mill, then this is impossible, but if some improvements are made, this can be maintained. The machine is composed of three parts: human body, reduction box and motor. The structure has been improved and upgraded. It is a new type of four-high cold rolling mill. generator set.

  1. In a four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill), which rolls are in contact with the rolling stock? Four-high foil rolling mill, is it a four-high cold rolling mill?

The four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill)has the characteristics of work rolls, support point rolls, transmission system rolls, touch rollers, etc. It is a drive roll, not a support point roll. Otherwise, this basis applies to hot rolling mills. The four-high rolling mill (Turks head mill)is generally not a reversible wire rolling mill, and the four-high cold rolling mill (Turks head mill)is reversible, so the two rolling mills are different and cannot be equivalent.

  1. Is the precision wire cold rolling force of the four-high cold rolling mill (standard Turks head mill)clear based on work experience?

Turks head mill force of a four-high cold rolling mill is a key main parameter and cannot be ignored. The key to clarifying the use value is based on the specific situation and cold rolling regulations. The operation and work experience of machinery and equipment only has a clear practical value, and cannot be used as an accurate use value.

Visits:1543      Post time:2019-02-24