
Wire Rolling Mill

The specific performance in the rolling process of the CRM wire cold rolling mill
During the wire rolling machine process of the wire cold rolling mill, the strip is liquid in the cooling zone and the rolling zone, and the roll does not bear the rolling force. After entering the rolling zone, the roll begins to deform after being stressed. As long as the length of the rolling zone can be controlled, the rolling force and the degree of roll deformation can be controlled, so as to effectively control the transverse thickness difference of the slab.

The rolling force of the wire cold rolling mill is determined by the fluctuation of the thickness of the wire rolling material, the fluctuation of the performance of the rolling piece, the change of the rolling speed, the change of the lubrication condition and the fluctuation of the tension, which are indispensable. When the rolling force of the rolling mill increases, the reaction force of the rolled sheet to the rolls also increases. The results show in three different aspects, one is the increase of the elastic deformation of the frame; the other is the elastic deformation of the roll; the third is the increase of the deflection of the roll.

The combination of these factors increases the crown of the rolled sheet, but because the roll gap remains unchanged, changing the casting area cannot change the pressure at both ends, so the difference between the same sheet remains unchanged. Therefore, all factors that increase the rolling force increase the crown. The cold rolling mill has specific requirements on the rolling material, because it generally rolls hot-rolled coils with a thickness of 2-5mm, so that the thickness becomes 0.3-2mm. In terms of material width, there is also a corresponding range, not to say that all widths of materials can be used, the specific range is 800-1500mm.

In order to prevent the rolling oil from entering the wire rolling machine, on the one hand, a splash guard can be added to prevent the rolling oil from splashing at the roll neck, and the backup roll can be cleaned at the same time; , adjust the air volume reasonably to achieve control; or add an oil curtain and a vacuum suction device, the oil curtain prevents the rolling oil from entering through the roll gap, and the vacuum suction sucks the oil mist under the plate, thereby greatly reducing the surface of the plate. residual oil.

So this is the processing of wire rolling machine,welcome for more questions.

Visits:1472      Post time:2023-04-07