
Carbon steel flat strip precision cold rolling mill

Carbon steel flat strip small precision continuous rolling mill machine,strip rolling mill machine,flat bar rolling machine
wire Rolling mill, small precision tandem rolling mill for high and medium low carbon steel flat strip, precision tandem cold rolling mill for special-shaped small steel strip, precision tandem cold rolling mill for special-shaped wire rod

  1. Machine description

This machine is used for rolling carbon steel, stainless steel and other metal round wires into flat bars in the chain drive industry, and adopts a contact thickness gauge monitoring system. Track and automatically adjust product quality technical parameters at any time. The whole machine is controlled by PLC and touch screen.

Fourth, the parameters of the take-up device

  1. Main parameter performance for precision strip rolling machine

  2. Pay-off: Design according to the raw material of the buyer

  3. Two-roll rough rolling power: 2*22kw (roll diameter ¢250mm)

  4. Power of two two-roll finishing mills: 2*30kw. (roll diameter ¢200mm, ¢150mm)

  5. Four-roll finishing mill power: 22kw (roll diameter ¢150mm)

  6. Power of 3 active side rolling mills: 3*15kw

  7. Take-up motor power: 30kw

  8. Complete the wire diameter specification (the width-thickness ratio of a single track is less than 10 times, and the maximum incoming wire is ¢6.5mm)

  9. Width 3~14mm Thickness 0.3~3mm Thickness tolerance±0.01mm Width tolerance±0.02mm

  10. The R angle is based on 1/2 to 1/3 of the material thickness as the standard

  1. I-shaped wheel take-up. The maximum take-up weight is 8000kg.

Take-up specifications are provided by the buyer Outer diameter ¢1400mm Inner diameter ¢550mm Height 730mm

Visits:1471      Post time:2023-02-26